Steve Jobs: Casting The Apple Founder's Biopic

Less than a week after Steve Jobs' death, word is out that Sony Pictures has completed a deal to bring to the big screen the upcoming authorized Jobs biography by Walter Issacson.

Book-to-movie biopics tend to make bank and have the potential to score critical prestige, as Sony knows well – after all, the studio made “The Social Network” and this fall’s “Moneyball,” both of which were impressive box office earners and critical darlings. There’s no doubt that given the wealth of momentous events and accomplishments in Steve Jobs’ life, a biographic movie promises to be amazing.

The question that immediately comes to mind, then, is: Who should play the Apple genius? After some deliberation, I’ve come up with a shortlist of five. I’m expecting that the movie will focus much more on the latter half of Jobs' life, chronicling his experiences at Apple, so no young’uns in our list here, only veterans that I think are OS X compatible!

Stanley Tucci

William Hurt

Michael Stuhlbarg

Keanu Reeves

Noah Wyle

What do you think of our choices for Steve Jobs? Who do you think should play him? Tell us what you think in the comments section and on Twitter!

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