'Star Wars' Day: May The Fourth Be With These Five Epic Scenes From The Prequel Trilogy

The "Star Wars" prequels don't get a lot of love from fans of the franchise. It's understandable. But on today of all days we have to show some appreciation for even these newer chapters of George Lucas' epic space saga. Search your hearts (and calendars) and you'll see why.

That's right, it's May 4th, "Star Wars" Day, when everyone is asked to be one with the Force. So May the Fourth be with you as it is with us, as we try -- try -- to bestow some compassion on all of Lucas' creations.

"The Phantom Menace," "Attack of the Clones," and "Revenge of the Sith" follow Anakin Skywalker's rise to power and fall to the Dark Side. Grim stuff, but within the tragic tale (for more reasons than one) are plenty of epic duels, surprising revelations and classic droid action. Here are some of our favorite scenes from the prequels.

R2-D2 Brawls with the Droids

In "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith," R2-D2 is a scrappy little droid with the power of youth on his side. Also, an oil slick projector and flamethrower, which he uses to incinerate a pair of droids when they catch Artoo helping Obi-Wan and Anakin infiltrate Count Dooku's command ship. The Jedi may get all the glory but it's the tiny droid who made the assault possible. Good job, little buddy.

Count Dooku Cleaves Anakin's Arm

Anakin is still a young Padawan learner when he and Obi-Wan first face off against Count Dooku in "Episode II." When his master is knocked out, Anakin furiously charges the Sith leader despite the elder warrior's considerable skill and experience. After a brief and blistering duel, Dooku chops off Anakin's hand, scarring the young man as he himself will wound Luke Skywalker many years later.

The Duel of the Fates

This epic showdown is filled with so much win it's ridiculous. Wielding a double-bladed saberstaff, the Sith Lord Darth Maul fights the Jedi and his Padawan to a draw, eventually defeating Qui-Gonn while Obi-Wan is forced to watch on helplessly. From the edge of defeat, the grief-stricken Obi-Wan claws his way to victory through an amazingly acrobatic display of his Force powers. The fact that the entire scene plays out to the thrilling "Duel of the Fates" theme makes it even more memorable.

Anakin & Obi-Wan Fight on Mustafar

After Anakin slaughters the Jedi Younglings, Obi-Wan has no choice but to take on his former protege in one of the most destructive, climactic duels in the entire series. Their fight worms through a collapsing Mustafar mining facility and across the deadly lava flows below. When Obi-Wan secures the terrain advantage, Anakin blindly jumps after him and his arrogance costs him his legs to his former master's lightsaber. Choking back tears, Obi-Wan leaves his friend to be burned alive by the lava.

Anakin Skywalker Becomes Darth Vader

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine rescues Anakin after his defeat on Mustafar and installs a bio-suit onto the fallen Jedi's decimated body. Though Anakin Skywalker had already received the title of Darth Vader, it's only in this final, horrifying scene in "Revenge of the Sith" that his fall to the Dark Side becomes complete. A little bit ridiculous? Sure. But is it lame? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What other scenes from the prequels should we be thankful for on "Star Wars" Day? Tell us in the comments section and on Twitter!

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