The Royal Wedding: Celebrate William & Kate With Our Favorite Royal Movie Couples

If you’ve been up since the wee hours of the morning watching Prince William of Wales and Kate Middleton get hitched in epic style and you can’t quite kick the buzz now that it’s all over, fret not – that’s what we’re here for!

Behold: our five favorite cinematic royal couplings, to help you keep the dream of happily ever after alive. Go forth and Netflix, our loyal subjects!

Westley and Buttercup, “The Princess Bride”

Scrappy farm boy Westley will stop at nothing to rescue his beloved Princess Buttercup of Florin. He’ll scale Cliffs of Insanity, duel with a Spanish fencing master, palate poison with a Sicilian criminal, withstand torture from an albino and battle ROUS’s (that’d be Rodents of Unusual Size). Hey Wills – we don’t expect you’ll need to do the same for Kate, but it wouldn’t hurt for you to throw in an errant “As you wish” here and there.

Leia and Han, “Star Wars”

The Princess of Alderaan and rebellious smuggler are the romantic tie that binds the (pre-prequel) trilogy of intergalactic intrigue. Their unlikely love affair delivers enough sass, sarcasm and straightup HOT tension to fill three Millenium Falcons. (Though Han’s infamous retort to Leia’s first utterance of “I love you” may’ve gotten us slapped that one time we attempted it…)

Akeem and Lisa, “Coming to America”

The prince of Zamunda travels all the way from Africa to Queens, NY to find his unlikely queen – Lisa McDowell, daughter of a fast food restaurant chain magnate. Moral of the story: it’s totally cool to lie about your true identity, as long as your true identity is rich-beyond-belief royalty.

Arwen and Aragorn, “The Lord of the Rings”

There’s a lot to love about Peter Jackson’s interpretation of the classic J.R.R. Tolkien novels, including the epic love story of half-elven Lady Arwen and the son of Arathorn. The gorgeous Liv Tyler and super-dashing Viggo Mortensen pepper palpable chemistry throughout the trio of fantasy adventure films.

Simba and Nala, “The Lion King”

Just about every Disney flick applies here, but we tend to champion the coming-of-age romance between Simba, heir to the throne of his father Lion King Mufasa, and his best childhood friend Nala. Though the hilarious reenactment of the film’s iconic opening scene on ABC’s “Modern Family” may have something to do with our favoritism, as well.

Who are your favorite royal movie couples? Let us know in the comments section and on Twitter!

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