If You're Digging The Chemical Brothers' 'Hanna' Soundtrack, This Is Your Next Step

We’re beyond psyched to see how traditionally understated Joe Wright ("The Soloist") directs his way around a full-tilt action vehicle when "Hanna" arrives in theaters on April 8. The film follows the story of a teenage girl (played by Saoirse Ronan, who Wright first worked with in “Atonement”) raised as an assassin by her ex-CIA agent father Erik (the always delightful Eric Bana). Hanna’s father ultimately sends her on a quest that takes her across Europe, where she’s tailed by the agents of a mysterious operative (Cate Blanchett) and racks up a pretty epic body count in the process.

As if the idea of watching a badass chick's coming-of-age-by-kicking-major-butt story isn’t exciting enough, infamous British big beat duo The Chemical Brothers were commissioned to produce the film’s score. Beheadings, stabbings and beatings soundtracked to electronica? Yes, please!

We were even more stoked about it when The Chemical Brothers released the whole soundtrack on their MySpace page this past Friday. We didn’t need to listen more than once to know we’ll be buying the score when it’s available exclusively on iTunes this Tuesday (March 15).

The Chemical Brothers' new soundtrack got us thinking: since the trend of established mainstream music artists composing film soundtracks is a very welcome one, why not share a few of our favorite scores by famous musicians? So if you're digging the "Hanna" soundtrack, we suggest the following six movie scores as your next step!

Trent Reznor, “The Social Network”

Longtime Nine Inch Nails fans released a collective cheer when Reznor and collaborative partner Atticus Ross walked across the stage to accept the Oscar for Best Original Score, and it was a wholly appropriate reaction. The industrial rock god’s brilliant ability to wield a synthesizer breathed dark, twisted life into “The Social Network” – and it’s a great listen on its own, too.

Nick Cave, “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford”

The frontman for Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds seems to enjoy the Western genre – he paired with fellow Bad Seed Warren Ellis to compose the soundtrack for “The Proposition” before scoring the beautifully understated Andrew Dominik-directed Brad Pitt flick.

Jonny Greenwood, “There Will Be Blood”

The multi-instrumentalist member of Radiohead delivered haunting menace to the plight of Daniel Plainview. This is the soundtrack nightmares are made of – and we mean that in a good way.

Daft Punk, “Tron: Legacy”

Some may argue that “Tron: Legacy” was simply a 125-minute Daft Punk video. What, pray tell, is so wrong about that? The duo’s trademark electronic beats paired perfectly with the film’s trippy visuals -- and did you catch their cameo in the bar scene?

Beck & Metric, “Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World”

Who better to infuse real-life rock awesomeness into Sex Bob-omb and The Clash at Demonhead than Beck and Metric? Not only does it make for a seriously fun adaptation of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s vision, but it qualifies the soundtrack for “epic of epic epicness” standing.

Clint Mansell, “Black Swan”

The former lead singer for Pop Will Eat Itself launched his film score career with director Darren Aronofsky's "Pi." Since then, he's worked almost exclusively with Aronofsky, and his reinterpretation of the music from the classical ballet Swan Lake is an inventive and haunting companion to the psychological drama that unfolds on the screen.

Tell us about some of your favorite soundtracks in the comments section and on Twitter!

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