Sarah Palin's WTF Moment: The MTV Movie Awards Connection

Wednesday, however, brought us the opportunity to dip our digital pen into real-world political ink. Following President Barack Obama's State of the Union address the previous evening — during which he emphasized the importance of "winning the future" — former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin took to Fox News with a cutting retort.

"His theme last night was WTF, winning the future," she said during an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren. "I thought, okay, that acronym — spot on. There were a lot of WTF moments throughout that speech."

Now, when it comes to WTF moments, MTV knows more than a thing or two. For two straight years, the Movie Awards has put forth an entire category devoted to honoring America's best WTF moments. Does Obama's speech measure up? Was Palin overstating the case? Take a look at some of MTV's past WTF honorees and let us know whose side you're on.

Jumping in the Poop Shed: Ayush Mahesh Khedekar in "Slumdog Millionaire"

"Slumdog" may have been the feel-good movie of 2008, but this particular scene was all sorts of wrong. The young boy worships a pop culture icon so dearly, he's willing to plunge into a festering pit of poop to meet him. How many Palin and Obama supporters would fight through such stomach-churning obstacles for the opportunity to say, "OMG, I love you?"

The Walking Dead: Bill Murray in "Zombieland"

This was one of the great, unexpected cameos of 2009. In the midst of a zombie invasion of the USA, Murray (playing himself and caked in makeup to look like a flesh-eating ghoulie) gets the shock of his life when a group of survivors break into his house. Zombies, huh? We have a feeling that's exactly how Obama and Palin's cheerleaders would describe their political opposites.

Betty Does Sandra: Betty White in "The Proposal"

In the scene in question, White essentially feels up Sandra Bullock during a wedding-dress fitting. If a sweet old lady wants to love America's sweetheart, how can anyone object? We have a feeling both those on the left and the right can wholeheartedly support this LOL-tastic WTF moment.

Naked in a Trunk: Ken Jeong in "The Hangover"

If there's a comment about immigration reform in this "Hangover" scene, we have no idea what it is. We're simply blinded by the sight of a naked Ken Jeong popping out of a trunk and landing on Bradley Cooper's face. There should totally be a law against WTF stuff like that.

Tasting a Decapitated Head: Ben Stiller in "Tropic Thunder"

War is delicate territory and everyone's got to support the troops, but Stiller's actions in "Tropic Thunder" make us want to become pacifists. He plays an action movie star, whose new war flick gets off to a bad start when the director steps on a landmine and is blown to smithereens. But, oh, the fog of war! Stiller thinks it's movie magic, and holds up the director's head as if it were a latex prop. Not so! He sticks a finger into the eviscerated flesh, takes a bloody taste and immediately stages one of the most heinous war crimes in cinema history. Don't reload — retreat!

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