Old Spice Guy Isaiah Mustafa Is Going To Be Big! As Long As One Of These Pitches Is Picked Up...

Already a hit thanks to his work in those commercials, Mustafa's going the distance with his own YouTube Channel, fielding questions from fans and even pitching himself as a candidate to play Luke Cage in a Marvel Studios film — which, in all honesty, is an utterly awesome idea.

Even if Mustafa as Cage doesn't pan out, at the very least this guy needs a major Hollywood gig, pronto. To expedite the process a bit, we're pitching a few Mustafa-centric ideas after the jump!

The "Terminator" Franchise

With the state of the "Terminator" series currently in limbo — not just because of legal shenanigans but also due to "Terminator Salvation" being, well, not great — the franchise could really use a booster shot. Cue Mustafa, who could join the series as the newest cybernetic defender on the rebellion's side. Or, perhaps, he's coming after John Connor. Either way, watching the Old Spice Guy travel backwards in time to do some damage would be amazing and, most likely, hilarious.

Joining "The Expendables"

Sylvester Stallone assembled an all-star crew of total badasses for "The Expendables," but he left out one notable exception — no, not Jean Claude Van Damme or Chuck Norris, awesome as those guys are. He could've used the help of Mustafa, who would easily kick bad guy butt while keeping the audience in stitches. Maybe for the sequel?

"Zombieland" Sequel

Woody Harrelson will undoubtedly reprise his scene-chewing turn as Tallahassee in a "Zombieland" sequel, it's just a matter of time. But when he and his co-stars return to the world of the walking dead, we'll need to meet more survivors to make the film interesting. Why not Mustafa? He could either play a brand new character or cameo as himself ala Bill Murray. Either way, as long as Mustafa is kicking some serious zombie tail, I'm fine with whatever role he takes.

Seriously, Luke Cage

This is firm Splash Page territory, but it really does warrant shouting from whatever mountain you're standing on — Mustafa should be Luke Cage, end of story. He's got the look, he's got a booming voice and he's got the comedy chops to nail Cage's one-liners. He's perfect. Marvel, make this happen.

Old Spice Guy Movie

Of course, what's Mustafa really perfect for? A feature length Old Spice Guy feature film in which Mustafa trots the globe teaching men how to become real men, all while kicking ass, chewing bubble gum and never running out of bubble gum. It's a perfect product placement opportunity for Old Spice, and it would actually be an awesome movie to behold.

Tell us where you want to see Mustafa's career go in the comments section and on Twitter!

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