It’s Trans Awareness Week! Here’s Everything You Need To Know

To celebrate, MTV's going blue, pink and white.

You may have noticed that MTV's lookin' a little blue this week (and pink and white). That's because November 14 through 20 is Transgender Awareness Week, an event aimed at increasing visibility of transgender and gender nonconforming communities and the issues they continue to face.

All week, MTV will rock the colors of the transgender flag (blue, pink and white) and post content highlighting transgender and gender nonconforming people from around the country and the world. As part of the initiative, MTV will also air “True Life: I’m Genderqueer” on Tuesday, November 17 at 11:00 p.m.

The week culminates with Trans Day of Remembrance on Nov. 20, which "honors the memory of those whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence," GLAAD notes. The first TDOR took place on November 20, 1998, when activist Gwendolyn Ann Smith founded the day after being disappointed by the lack of attention paid to the murders of two trans women of color, Rita Hester and Chanelle Picket.

"We've seen successes in other battles for transgender rights," Smith wrote at the Huffington Post. "Yet we still see anti-transgender violence. Every year, we still find ourselves with a list of people who have been violently murdered for simply being themselves." This is particularly haunting in a year where at least 20 trans people have been murdered, 17 of whom were trans women of color.

Here's where you come in: Tweet or Instagram about the week using the hashtag #transwk. If you're interested in attending an event for TDOR, the Human Rights Campaign can help locate one near you.

To learn more about how to challenge anti-LGBT bias, head over to Look Different.

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