Briana's 'Teen Mom 3' Dating Disaster Prompts An After Show Discussion About Feeling Lost [Video]


The prospect of a new beau on tonight's "Teen Mom 3" was enough to make Briana sneak around behind her disapproving mom's and sister's backs, but after Jacob turned out to be just another player, she couldn't blame her family for voicing their concerns. In the "Teen Mom 3 After Show" clip below, Briana admits that they were just looking out for her best interests, though they could have approached the situation more openly.

"I understood where [my mom and Brittany] were coming from, 'cause I'm pretty sure they didn't want me to make the same mistake I made with Nova's dad," Briana says. Yet while their hearts were in the right place, the bickering over Jacob caused her many tears, and Briana says she wishes they would have considered her own wants and needs. "They didn't let me voice my opinion or speak up," she tells host Maci Bookout.


When Maci points out that Briana closed herself off after getting snubbed by Jacob, one of the teen mothers in the audience identifies with her jaded outlook. "There's only so much that you could take as a human," Kenisha says.

Though it's sad to think that so many young women in Briana's position feel lost and alone, Maci makes sure to address the fact that they're all in a room full of people who get it. "We have each other," she says. At the very least, these teen moms can confide in others who are experiencing the same struggles as they are, and ultimately, that's so much better than facing it all on their own.

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Photo: Colin Gray

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