Watch The Entire First Episode Of 'Money From Strangers' Before Its Monday Premiere!

For a thousand bucks, funnyman (and host of MTV's newest game show, "Money From Strangers") Jeff Dye will challenge you to walk into a comic book sanctuary filled with fan boys, destroy an anime magazine and then pretend to have an identity crisis after some geeks kick you out. If you don't want to participate, that's cool, but Jeff's not gonna have a problem finding someone else that's willing to check their morals at the curb and do whatever he tells them for a cash prize.

Don't believe us? Then peep the entire first episode a few days early (the season officially premieres April 30 at 10:30/9:30c), because it takes Jeff all of 10 seconds before he grabs his first contestant to battle the nerds. Dude's name is Andrew, and sadly, he only completes enough of the aforementioned dares to walk away with 400 buckaroos. Be sure to watch the entire ep, though, because Pinky, another unsuspecting pedestrian selected to play Dye's loony game, punts 10 bagels into the street for her handsome reward. Too bad she mispronounced girth, however--she was THISCLOSE to getting the full G-note.

+ Think you've got what it takes to play the game? Take the poll and let us know if it piqued your interest!

[poll name="Money4_25_12" question_count="2"]

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