Chelsea's Blog: 'Jenna Was There To Give Me Tough Love'

Disagreements with a roommate can get awkward very quickly. I mean, they know where you sleep at night!

I started to let my guard down with Jenna, so when she called me out about isolating myself, I got defensive. A person that truly cares about you has zero desire to play the role of the "yes" man; Jenna was there to give me a little tough love even though I didn't want to hear it.

I was also going through major changes at The Vanity Room, dealing with the new super employee, Ashley. I was glad that Jenna agreed to be my model for the photo shoot because, without her, the day would have been tres awkward. Styling wasn't my thing, but I managed to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new!

I really needed to start enjoying life. It was OK to support Rory through his deployment, but my needs had to come first. I was just glad to know that, despite our differences, Jenna would always be there for me.



P.S. Veterans Day was last Friday, but it is never too late to say thank you! To all the men and women who have served and are currently serving our country: We love and appreciate everything you do! Thanks for keeping us safe! And a special thank you to SPC Rory Springs Jr. ;)

+ Check out my video blog below for more of my reaction to Episodes 6 and 7, plus hear me answer some fan questions!

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