You Can Be A Part Of The Wizarding World At This Harry Potter-Style LARPing Event

Ready your wands!

Have you ever wanted to be a part of the Harry Potter universe? Of course you have. Everyone has. It would be amazing. The wands, the spells, the witches and wizards -- now you can experience it all. For one weekend in June 2016, you can be a part of the magic at a LARPing event being held by New World Magischola.

The event is a live-action role playing weekend of wizardry in the mid-Atlantic U.S. based on a similar LARP game that took place at a castle in rural Poland in April.


New World Magischola isn't affiliated with the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but it's its own wizarding college, complete with robes and houses and magical creatures. Each participant choses a course of study in Cryptozoology, Healing, Artificery, Cursebreaking or the Path of the Marshall. You take classes, interact with other students and professors and absorb the wizarding world for a wonderful weekend.

The catch? There are a maximum of 160 players and the first 30 all-inclusive ticket costs $375. Tickets after that are $450. A small price to pay to be magical for a few days. Tickets are available through a Kickstarter campaign beginning Nov. 23. Oh, and it's BYOW. Bring your own wand.

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