This Woman Competed In A Game Show She Didn't Understand

Watch the hilarity ensue on 'Broke A$$ Game Show'!

Question: What do you get if you take the "game" out of game show and there's no way to be triumphant during the task at hand? Answer: a really confused contestant.

During tonight's "Broke A$$ Game Show" episode, the double Ds (hosts Derek Gaines and David Magidoff) played a doozy of a little number called "New York Minute." Here's what unfolded: A bewildered New York pedestrian was ushered onto a set full of random props and then given 60 seconds to try and complete an activity -- an "activity" that wasn't explained to her and also didn't exist.

"This is gonna test your mental agility, your physical strength, your street smarts -- your skills, your brain skills! You got brain skills? Because you're on the clock!" Derek shouted at her, "$50 on the line. A minute on the clock. Go! GOOOOO!"

To do what? Not clear. But she tried, bless her.

Did she win? Could she be victorious? There's only one way to find out... check the video below and see if you can make any more sense of her challenge than she did -- and don't miss the next all-new “Broke A$$ Game Show,” next Thursday at 10:30/9:30c on MTV.

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