When Her Face Became A Cruel Meme, She Responded In The Classiest Way

Haters to the left.

When Ashley VanPevenage, 20, had an allergic reaction to benzoyl, makeup artist and Instagrammer @makeupbydreigh was there to help. In a brave gesture, VanPevenage agreed to let her post the before and after pics.

The original image was meant to demonstrate the artist's makeup skills and to show everyone with imperfect skin that they're not alone. That's a pretty cool move on VanPevenage's part. But instead of appreciating that, the internet got its mean-girl on and used the image for a cruel joke. Yeah, more like meme-girls is right.

As this photo went viral, the sentiments got even nastier.

Hey dude, this girl is way too good to ever go swimming with you. If you don't believe it, just check out her hella classy response in the vid below as evidence.

"I used to be entertained by many memes," VanPevenage says. "But when it's actually you and you're dealing with all the harsh comments, it's a whole different story."

Let this serve as an important reminder that social media images are people first and should be treated as such -- not just with attribution, but with kindness, compassion and respect.

H/T BuzzFeed

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