Hillary Clinton Says Kim Davis Totally Deserved To Go To Jail

'When you take an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States, that is your job.'

We've heard several 2016 presidential candidates weigh in on the story of Kim Davis -- the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed after refusing to give out marriage licenses to same-sex couples -- with reactions ranging from supportive, to indignant, to relatively uninformed.

On Wednesday (Oct. 7), former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined in, telling her supporters at a rally in Iowa she believed it was "the right thing" to send Davis to jail -- since she did, you know, break the law.

"She violated the law and therefore she was arrested," Clinton said to the crowd outside Cornell College in Iowa. "And when she was released, she had to agree that she would not stand in the way of doing her public duty under the constitution. So I actually think that she was treated as she should've been treated."

Clinton briefly commented on Davis via Twitter when the clerk was first sent to jail, but had yet to offer any formal opinions IRL -- until now.

Clinton also recalled politicians who had opposed other constitutional rulings (like Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus who opposed Brown v. Board of Education) and said that it goes against a civil servant's duties to the law and the United States to ignore those kinds of rulings on personal beliefs.

"People are totally entitled to their private personal beliefs -- religious or otherwise -- but when you take an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States, that is your job."

Watch the full video here, via the Washington Post:

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