Taylor Swift Is The Human Embodiment Of Spring

Check out this photo of Taylor Swift walking New York City in green denim jeans.

Taylor Swift is the new spokesperson for spring. 

It was SO slushy and gross yesterday in New York City, yet somehow the freezing rain knew to avoid Taylor Swift. (Umbrellas? #BASIC.) Are we wrong for wondering if Tay-Tay has some sort of under-the-table deal with Mother Nature?

I mean, she does have fans' bridal showers to attend and antiques to discover, after all, so STEP ASIDE, sleet! Taylor has her perfect life to lead.

We've also gotta applaud Ms. Swift for struttin' around NYC in a pair of seafoam-green jeans that just SCREAM seasonal optimism in the face of all this grossness. Well, technically they're screaming "Spring is legit on its way and isn't just some unattainable, dangling carrot we're chasing through this mushy April day!" -- but same thing.

Way to stay positive for all of us, Taylor! We definitely need it right now. Unlike the "I Knew You Were Trouble" singer, we spent the evening cooped up inside, cutting up our swimsuits because summer is NEVER, EVER, EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER ... with us. Ugh, glass half-full, glass half-full, glass half-full...

Photo Credit: WENN

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