Ariana Grande Posed Seductively On A Motorcycle With A Lollipop & YOU'RE WELCOME!

Check out Instagram photos of Ariana Grande riding a motorcycle and eating a lollipop.

Ariana Grande, supermodel of the world! Or, at least our hearts.

Do you think that Ariana Grande was just watching "Grease" or its vastly underrated sequel, "Grease 2"? Because the "Baby I" singer shared a bunch of photos on Instagram where she's perching on a motorcycle with a lollipop in her hand, and they're giving us major "Tell me about it, stud!" vibes.

Check out Instagram photos of Ariana Grande riding a motorcycle and eating a lollipop.

We call this angle the "Stan's-eye view."

Bless the Lord (slash whoever she grabbed to take these pictures), because there are more sultry photos where that came from! Hey, is that Ariana's "Bellissima" tattoo we spot making a cameo in this Instagram pic? Cute!

Check out Instagram photos of Ariana Grande riding a motorcycle and eating a lollipop.

For a vegan, Ariana sure does seem to love that hog, amirite?

We're so impressed by Ari's ability to multitask in this Instagram photo, that we might have to go back and add "flawlessly standing atop a motorcycle in heels while sucking on a lollipop with perfectly frizz-free hair" to that list of 12 thing we love about her. #RewritingScripture #JustWatchMe

Just be careful, bb. We don't want you to lose your balance and hurt yourself! Think of all the future "fishface" selfies that are counting on you...

+ Watch MTV's "Things We Love About Ariana Grande" video.

Photo credit: Ariana Grande's Instagram

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