New Video: Simple Plan Featuring MKTO, 'Summer Paradise'

Simple Plan get an assist from MKTO in their "Summer Paradise" video.

Get ready to be catapulted straight into summer! Because if you're into 24/7 bikini-wearing, all-the-time-BBQ-grillin', and hot-'n'-sweaty-night-enjoying, then we're pretty sure Canadian pop-punk veterans Simple Plan's "Summer Paradise" video (now featuring MKTO) is gonna be your mental vacation. Because those are cheap, and there are no dangerous UV rays.

Watch Simple Plan's "Summer Paradise" video featuring MKTO after the jump.

If you think "Summer Paradise" sounds a tad familiar, then we'll remind you that previous versions of the record, originally released in 2012, featured K'naan, Taka of One OK Rock, and Sean Paul. But in this latest incarnation, we're treated to breezy verses by pop/hip-hop duo MKTO, who juuuuuust so happen to contribute a certain je ne sais quoi to the video's "ultimate summertime" feel.

Set at the beach ("duh" to that one), "Summer Paradise" features no shortage of summery guitar strumming, sunlight basking, and all kinds of other sand-in-your-toes moments. And just as you think "Summer Paradise" is all about a calm day at the beach, those two crazy MKTO bros pull up at the shore, grab Simple Plan, and joyride around town.

Cut a gratuitous (but always pleasurable) "chicks in bikinis in a boat" moment, followed by a beachside bonfire, and you're literally not sure if you've landed in an Abercrombie commercial, or WHAT. That doesn't sound so bad to us, as long as we can stare at the video's extra-attractive cast and not actually spend time, you know, shopping in a heavily perfumed Abercrombie outlet.

+ Watch Simple Plan's "Summer Paradise" video featuring MKTO, and get to know MKTO a little better by watching their "10 Things I'm Obsessed With" video.

Photo credit: Atlantic Records

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