Star Spotting: Demi Lovato Rings In 2012 Looking GORGE

Credit: MTV's Instagram

Happy 2012, guys! How's it going so far?! The world's still spinning, so that's pretty cool. Also pretty cool is the fact that Demi Lovato rang in the new year looking more gorgeous than ever! MTV Instagram-ed this pic (we're using that as a noun this year, FYI) of the "Skyscraper" singer when she was on hand for our "NYE In NYC" countdown, and JEEEEEEEZ, lady. Save some pretty for the rest of us!

2011 was a stand-out year for Demi, but it looks like 2012 is off to a great start as well. The singer tweeted yesterday, "Not tweeting much because I'm on a mini-vacation enjoying my time away from everything. Hope you guys understand. :)" Insanely jealous of you right now, Dems. Even though most of the country was just on vacation for two weeks, it felt like 2 seconds. Le sigh. #ForeverDreamingOfSweatpants

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