We HAVE To Say Something About Nick Jonas' Upcoming TV Role As A Deadbeat Dad

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Per TV Line, Nick Jonas, no stranger to the acting world, has been commissioned to play the role of a deadbeat dad on Tim Allen's sitcom "Last Man Standing." And we totally love this development! It's about time he shed his all-the-rough-edges-of-a-Skittle persona (temporarily, of course, and in the name of prime-time TV -- we love his shampoo-commercial level brand of squeaky clean) and channeling a bad boy.

Nick's character, Ryan, will make a surprise appearance in a Christmas-themed episode. In case you haven't been briefed, a Jonas surprise is the very best variety. (Can we just state, in the paraphrased sage words of Mariah Carey, all WE want for Christmas is a Jonas Brother gracing our television screens?) Anywho, according to TVLine, his presence "challenges Mike[Tim Allen's character] to suppress his inner Scrooge and forgive the young man for his past mistakes." It all seems very modern-day "A Christmas Story," and we can't wait to see Nick flex his thespian wings in the role.

NATURALLY, we have 1 million questions about this cameo appearance, including but not limited to: Will Nick's proximity to Tim Allen inspire him to make the guttural sounds that the latter made during the tenure of his "Home Improvement" career? Will he rock a carefully disheveled devil-may-care sexy 'do to effectively channel his inner deadbeat? From which other pop culture character will he draw inspiration for this role? Our money's on "Roseanne"'s Mark. Spicy but slightly dangerous.

Who can guess? Meanwhile, we're setting our DVRs, obviously. What about you?

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