Holy S***! You HAVE To Watch MC Hammer Review 'Thor'

Credit: Splash News

True, it's been MORE THAN TWO DECADES since MC Hammer had a major hit. Back when there was BARELY an Internet and Twitter was something birds did. STILL. To this DAY we kinda still love the guy, and for some reason the notion of "Hammer Pants" and "Hammer Time" is still funny. And so is Hammer, the man himself, who is staying relevant by watching the movie Thor, which he reviewed for the MTV's site Next Movie.

Thor "has a big hammer," according to Hammer, which is "just another level of Hammer Time." Are you following? "That was a great representation of 'Thor,' " Hammer says of Chris Hemsworth, who plays the mythological muscle god. "I can respect his Hammer Time."

"He wields his hammer in a special way that's near and dear to my heart," Hammer continues. "He proves that he's too legit it quit, period." Exclamation point! See? STILL MAKING HAMMER JOKES FROM THE '90S!

Also, "Please, 'Thor,' don't hurt 'em." That's another thing that Hammer says.

Wait... did MC Hammer ever actually hold a hammer? Isn't that just... his name? Is MC Hammer the Roger Ebert of rappers? What's going on!? Can't we just see the movie?

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