Star Spotting: Avril Lavigne Dresses Like... Avril Lavigne

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If there's one thing we can count on in this crazy world, it's Avril Lavigne. The scruffy little troublemaker has been helping us rock out for almost a decade, and yet she looks the same now as she did when she first made our lives "Complicated" in 2002. Avril's 27, but she's still managing to make "sk8r chick chic" look good (even if she did go "fairytale glam" for her cover of Goodbye Lullaby).

And as we can see in this photo, even at a place as fancy-sounding as the Jingyuan Cultural and Artistic Hub in Beijing, Avril just did Avril. She proudly displayed her green and pink highlights, leather leggings and those signature rubber bracelets. If it ain't broke, don't fix it (?).

The notoriously fashion-conscious girls of the Far East might have a new style hero in their midst. Gwen Stefani and Nicki Minaj have already capitalized on the Harajuku subset of Japan, but perhaps the young and stylish set in Beijing will use Avril as their new muse? At least Avril can teach them how to do an ollie.

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