The Buzz On: Frank and Derol (With Miley's Totally Talented Sister, Brandi Cyrus)

(Credit ©2009 by Gary Livingston)

So I get that music careers were on the menu at Casa Cyrus: Billy Ray, Miley -- don't forget brother Trace Cyrus of Metro Station -- and now we meet big sister Brandi Cyrus, through indie-pop trio Frank and Derol, (sometimes also referred to as The Band With Miley Cyrus' Older Sister in It -- kidding, kidding... I know Solange suffered her share of "That's great, but tell us about your sister" moments.)

Before joining up with Frank and Derol, 22-year-old Brandi actually played guitar for both Hannah Montana and for Miley's tour, so a musical novice she is not. And with chirpy vocals and downbeat electronic beats, the Frank and Derol trio -- which also consists of Codi Caraco and Megan Park of The Secret Life of The American Teenager -- are hardly churning out "See You Again" knock-offs.

Try "Back and Forth"'s mellow flow for the family differences. Frank and Derol does not shy away from its Cyrus connex or the Cyrus fanbase though -- Frank and Derol opened for Billy Ray this month at The House of Blues in Cali. Hey, it's a foot in the door...

Follow Frank And Derol on Twitter at @frankandderol.

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