Video Interview: This Providence Can't Get A Break

As I'm sure you remember, Seattle's This Providence dropped by MTV in February, confessed to being emo, and gave us the scoop on a couple of their songs.

The first was "My Beautiful Rescue," which they described as "a song about falling in love with someone you don’t deserve." The second, "That Girl's A Trick," is "about falling for the wrong girl." Somebody's got a sweet tooth for bad apples... Gotta love tough dudes who get in touch with their feelings.

Anyway, fast forward to now. This Providence were back in our neck of the woods recently, so we hustled them into the studio and gave 'em the third degree. And what do you know? Only two bullet points into their edition of "The 5," they had this to say about "Letdown," the first single from their new record, Who Are You Now:

"Essentially the song is about falling for the wrong girl and finding out the hard way. Being her 'let down.'"

This Providence! Where do you meet all these girls?!? Certainly not backstage! Tell me, groupies, would any of you dare break one of these boys' hearts? I didn't think so!

Bummer lyrics aside, the band calls "Letdown" a feel-good sing-along song to be listened to while driving fast with the windows down (am I crazy, or do you hear a hint of Vince Guaraldi's "Linus And Lucy" in the first bar??). Sign me up for that one. For the rest of the dirt on these handsome, heartbreak-a-day pop-punks, watch This Providence on "The 5," and pick up Who Are You Now, in stores right now.

+ This Providence are on tour right now with Hey Monday!

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