Artist of the Week: Shwayze

Shwayze is one rapper, one producer, a couple of their friends crashing on their couches, a few chicks in bikinis, and as much of a good time as you can fit in one of those massive Igloo coolers. And no, this isn't one of those "a rabbi, a priest, and a monk walk into a bar jokes." Just stay with us…

You've probably heard Malibu rapper Aaron Smith's -- he goes by Shwayze, so that mystery's solved -- and musician/producer/BFF Cisco Adler's sandy summer jam, "Buzzin'." (Trust us, you've heard it.) You know -- that song that details the backyard party that evolves into the type of backyard party that seems like the kind of backyard party that only actually happens in other people's backyards: paper lanterns that just happen to match the fluorescent-colored Solo cups attached to the hands of willing women who look like they stepped out of Urban Outfitters' summer catalog and/or a beer ad, a conspicuous absence of food, the ocean languishing in the background, the whole thing culminating in a bonfire set to the sound of an acoustic guitar, a lazy boom-bap beat, and a refrain so chill it'd make Jack Johnson jealous. That Shwayze.

In addition to playing this summer's Warped Tour, celebrating their breakthrough video's 1 million YouTube views, and readying their debut album for release on August 19, Shwayze's also prepping for the premiere of their new MTV reality show, entitled, quite simply, Buzzin. Think Rob and Big minus Meaty, meets Entourage less Adrian Grenier and Turtle, with a little Wayne and Garth, Flight of the Conchords and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air action, plus a record deal, a recording studio in Cisco's crib, and an almost preternatural willingness to go shirtless. It all happens Wednesday, July 23rd at 10:30pm.

Until then, consider their Artist of the Week stint their pre-party, if you will. And like any accomplished partier knows, the best kinds of parties are the ones where s--- goes down that you never imagined happening when the night began. And in Shwayze's case, that means walking into a Jacuzzi filled with hot girls, cold champagne… and Pauly Shore.

Watch Shwayze's "Buzzin'" video, their TRL performance, and the show trailer, check out exclusive photos from their Artist of the Week shoot, and watch all of their exclusive Artist of the Week videos here.

Plus: Check out exclusive footage of Shwayze on the set of their new video, "Corona & Lime," which premieres Friday, July 18 at 8pm ET on FNMTV.

+ More Shwayze photos after the jump...

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