This School Just Banned The Man Bun For Good

An Idaho college has put the chop on man buns because they're too 'extreme.'

Bad news for collegiate man bun enthusiasts: there’s at least one school in the country that’s nixed the swept-up style for good. But luckily it’s not in Brooklyn.

Man buns have now been outlawed at Brigham Young University’s Idaho campus because they violate the school’s strict Honor Code, which supposedly keeps students in line by making sure "the dress and grooming standards are consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ.” Which is actually kind of confusing, because Jesus is a dude who himself had long hair and a beard. But, you know, whatever.

Anyway, the Honor Code further mandates that men’s hairstyles be “clean and neat, avoiding extreme styles of colors and trimmed above the collar leaving the ear uncovered.” For what it’s worth, beards are also a no-no on campus, meaning there are some exceptionally clean-shaven dudes at BYU-I.

Student services and activities vice president (and fierce man bun opponent), Kevin Miyasaki, told campus newspaper The Scroll, "As part of the dress and grooming code, we commit to avoid extreme hairstyles. A ‘man-bun’ would be considered not consistent with this standard.”

Those rebels who dare tie their locks into messy top knots will subsequently be sent to the Honor Office to face disciplinary action. So there you go: man buns are not only causing premature baldness, but they’re also so “extreme” that they’ll make even the most innocent bun-loving ‘gent into a hardened freedom fighter.

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