Justin Bieber Talks Jail And His ‘Marriage' With Selena Gomez

Justin doesn't hold anything back in his 'Complex' interview.

Justin Bieber is breaking through the chains...literally.

The singer appears on the cover of Complex magazine in a startling image as he is submerged underwater and seen struggling to release himself from the chains that bind him.

It's a fitting image for the "What Do You Mean" star, who has had his share of struggles over the past few years, including run-ins with the law, an extremely high-profile breakup and becoming a full-on bad boy.

Justin has worked hard in shedding that image over the past months, and it seems to be working. He's back on top of the charts, and he's not holding anything back when it comes to his past.

In his cover story, Justin talks everything from his night in jail to his relationship with Selena Gomez to his renewed faith. Here are 10 things we learned from Justin's candid new interview.

He's Not A Fan Of What's Hot

Justin doesn't really seem to be into the hit songs that are flooding the radio stations, saying he's "not really a fan of what's going on in music right now."

"I’ll hear it and go, 'Ugh, why is this being played so much right now?' I have such great music that I want to share with the world."

Justin Learned A Lot From Love


Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez

Justin didn't hold back when it came to his relationship with Selena, and he admitted that falling that hard in love at such a young age was just "too much." "Her identity was in me...and we would fight so hard because we were so invested in each other," he said.

"I moved in with my girlfriend when I was 18. Started my own life with her. It was a marriage kind of thing. Living with a girl, it was just too much at that age. But we were so in love. Nothing else mattered. We were all about each other."

All Relationships Go Back To Selena

Like most people do, when they enter a new relationship, they always compare it to the past, and Justin is no different. "You’re just scarred and you don’t do something because in your last relationship they’d freak out, but [the new person is] just like, 'What are you talking about?'”

Kanye Paints A Picture

It's not too surprising that working with Kanye West is unlike working with any other artist. Justin explained that Kanye doesn't tell you whether he likes something or he doesn't. Instead he says, "This is this because the world needs this." He comes from a whole different point of view.

Justin's Got Albums In The Vault

While he may be releasing his first album in three years on November 13, Justin revealed that he has "three or four albums that I haven't released yet." Over the years, he's played with a lot of "different modes" and "different ideas" but "finally came up with something that was pretty genius."

Hole In One

Gone are the days of egging houses for fun -- Justin now hits the golf course, and since he's of the legal age, he will "have a few drinks every now and then."

He Has No Regrets

Justin admits that he felt invincible during his bad boy period, and why shouldn't he? He had manager Scooter Braun cleaning up his mess. He revealed that Scooter fixed all of his situations, and while it may have "backfired a few times," he would make the same decisions all over again.

"I wouldn’t take back anything. I wouldn’t do anything over again. I would do it all the same way. I’m not going to say I’m sorry for the things that I’ve done because I think that it allows me to tell a story."

Jail Wasn't So Bad For Bieber

Justin was arrested in Miami for a DUI back in 2014 -- "The cop supposedly wanted to be famous for arresting celebrities, and someone had heard him say that prior to that. I wasn’t drinking. I blew the thing and I had 0.01. I might have had a beer earlier in the day or something," he said. He spent 24 hours in jail, and while it was "freezing" and "uncomfortable," his fellow inmates weren't so bad.

"I had people who were yelling at me. They were saying, 'Bieber! We f--k with you, bro! We love you! Aye! Keep your head up, bro!' It was kind of funny to hear that, especially from cats in jail."

He's Not Being Jesus, But He's Living Like Him

Justin opened up a lot about his faith during this interview saying that although he is "not religious," he "loves Jesus and that was my salvation." The singer pledged to use his voice for a reason and "live honestly like Jesus."

He's Got A 'Godly Confidence'

Justin's renewed faith has also given him an overwhelming amount of confidence. He said he feels "invincible like, nothing is bigger than God," a mindset that has helped him when he's felt judged.

"I wanna be loved for being a good dude and for being confident in myself because I know who I am and what I carry and what I sacrifice."

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