Here's How To Watch Tonight's Supermoon Eclipse

The lunar phenomenon will light up the sky.

Tonight, our boring old moon is going to be putting on a heck of a show. And, if you know where and when to look out for this wild lunar display, you could catch a glimpse of a celestial event that won't happen again until 2033.

Lunar eclipses aren't terribly rare; this will be the fourth time in two years that the Earth has slipped directly between the moon and the sun, causing a rusty red shadow. Tonight's eclipse will be a special one, however, because we'll be passing across a friggin' SUPERMOON! Yeah, that's right. A supermoon. Because of its orbit, the moon tonight will be about 20,000 miles closer to the surface of Earth than it usually is, making it appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter. Bam! Supermoon.

But wait! There's more. Tonights supermoon/lunar eclipse combo also happens to fall on the harvest moon, the full moon that falls closest to the fall equinox. It's the trifecta of moon madness and it's going to light up the sky a brilliant red.

So, you want to check it out, right? Of course you do. It's going to be amazing. Folks on the East Coast will have it pretty lucky. The moon will start to darken around 8:10 p.m. EST and and will be completely shaded for an hour starting at about 10 p.m. (For those outside of the U.S., peak eclipse will be at 2:45 a.m. UT on September 28.)

The eclipse won't be visible in every time zone. (North America, South America, Europe and Africa will be treated to the lunar event.) But fear not – the Internet has you covered. Several organizations, including NASA, will broadcast the eclipse. You'll be able to tune in to a live feed if the eclipse isn't visible in your neck of the woods, or if you're just really lazy and don't want to go outside.

Wired lays out all of the exciting details of the science behind the eclipse in the video below:

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