The Tooth Fairy Is Real And She Travels By Drone

There's a whole new way to remove a loose tooth...

Remember when getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy was simple? All you needed was a loose tooth, some string and a good ol' fashioned doorknob. Tie one end of the string to your wiggly tooth, the other end to that door and SLAM! There's a dollar under your pillow.

Kids these days don't have it so easy. Enter the world of drone tooth pulling. Swap that old fashioned door out for a high-tech quad copter, post it on YouTube, and what you've got is a whole new way for creative parents to capitalize on their kids' tooth extraction. YouTube is full of videos of bloody-mouthed kids and overly excited parents watching teeth fly off into the sunset, dangling by a string on a drone.

This kid is super excited to have a drone attached to his face:

This kid has the Eye of the Tiger inspiring him to bravely let someone yank his tooth out with a remote-controlled flying robot:

(Check out the guy running away in slow motion like he pulled the pin out of a grenade or something.)

This kid DGAF. Drone? No big deal:

Could drone tooth pulling be the coolest way man has discovered to remove a loose tooth? Or is it just an excuse for dad to get the drone he spent $400 on out of the garage?

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