This Empowering Video Takes Down Slut-Shaming And Misogyny With Makeup


When Amber Rose arrived to the 2015 VMAs in a bodysuit emblazoned with slut-shaming words like "whore," "slut," and "gold digger," she sent an incredibly powerful statement to her haters. Instead of passively being defined by the hateful insults hurled at her daily on the internet, Amber wore the names proudly to prove that "hoes be winning," which inspired Jordan Hanz - a 24-year-old makeup artist - to put her talents to use in an empowering video that critiques the way society places unfair, misogynistic labels on women everyday.

If you've never seen Jordan's work before, prepare yourself. The truly fantastical cosmetic creations she posts to Instagram and YouTube have amassed her quite an online following, which is wholeheartedly deserved. I mean, look at this:

Crazy, right? Instead of posting another otherworldly shot this week, however, Jordan went in a bit of a different direction, crediting Amber Rose for inspiration:

Along with Instagram photos, she created a heartbreakingly beautiful stop-motion video called "Unattainable Woman" to go with it that calls out the double-standard that exists between men and women.

Jordan Hanz

Jordan Hanz

As hurtful words appear on her skin, Jordan narrates the video with a supremely inspirational message that will have you pumping your fist in the air.

Jordan Hanz

Jordan Hanz

"We are women," she says. "We are complex, complicated creatures, sometimes bound by the box that we are shoved into. If a woman shows confidence, defends herself, shows a differing opinion than what someone else may have, she's considered a bitch."

Jordan Hanz

Jordan Hanz

"If we wear makeup, it’s clearly just to gain the attention of men, not because we love it for ourselves, and love the art of putting it on."

Jordan Hanz

Jordan Hanz

"If a woman is plus-sized, or has even a larger body type, she's viewed as lazy, because why would a woman have that body type when she’s trying to appeal to men?"

Jordan Hanz

Jordan Hanz

"If we love the act of making love, we’re viewed as a slut. But if a man does it, it’s completely normal. Or if you’re not ready to have sex yet, you’re viewed as a prude."

Jordan Hanz

Jordan Hanz

"If you cuss, have a mouth on you, you’re unladylike."

Jordan Hanz

Jordan Hanz

“We as women must empower each other and build each other up, love ourselves. Love every ounce of you. These ideals are unattainable and impractical. How dare you tell me who to be and what is wrong or right?”

Jordan Hanz

Jordan Hanz

"Be who you want to be and be proud of that. We’re ladylike as f--k, because we choose what that is. We are women."

Feel inspired yet? Thought so.

Watch the full video below!

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