This Cool Career Counselor Wants To Help Donald Trump Find A New Job

Trump's brand was touched by an angel -- 'Supernatural' star Misha Collins

As any post-grad couch-dweller knows, searching for jobs is really, really hard. "Supernatural" star Misha Collins saw that the struggle was getting way too real for Donald Trump (with his much-hyped application for the big-deal position of POTUS and all) and wanted to help the poor guy out.

Collins is certain that Trump's skills would be better suited to just about any other job (although, he'll have to fight me for the cat circus tour assistant gig) and put the reality show star's illustrious resume to good use the way we plebeian 99 percenters do -- via online networking sites.

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With mentions of his major skills and ~brand specific~ attributes like "having money," "schmoozing," "hair-flip[s]" and "xenophobia," and a fairly thorough summary of his illustrious career, it's safe to say Trump's Monster profile has been touched-up by an angel. Curiously absent, however, was his cameo in "Home Alone 2," which is arguably his biggest claim to fame.

Collins also posted a LinkedIn profile for Trump during last night's debate, but it's since been removed (most likely because LinkedIn isn't for fun people.).

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