Ahmed Mohamed Felt The Social Media Love From These #IStandWithAhmed Tweets

'Cool clock, Ahmed.'

Texas ninth grader Ahmed Mohamed, 14, has made headlines everywhere for his arrest after bringing a science experiment to school. On Monday (Sept. 14), Mohamed, a Muslim- American and inspiring engineer, built a clock to impress his teacher. As it turns out, the teacher was less than impressed and Mohamed was soon questioned by authorities. "So you tried to make a bomb?," he was asked.

Mohamed was led away in handcuffs and brought to a juvenile detention center, but while it was announced Wednesday (Sept. 16) that charges won't be filed against him, he's still facing suspension from MacArthur High School in Irving, TX.

At a press conference from his home today, Ahmed spoke alongside his parents and lawyers. “I built a clock to impress my teacher, but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her,” he said. “It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it." He also added that he's considering transferring schools.

Mohamed also thanked his social media supporters, of which there are PLENTY. That's definitely a beautiful thing, and Ahmed definitely felt the love. “Thank you all for helping me,” he said.

Thank you for your support! I really didn't think people would care about a muslim boy. #Thankyouforstandingwithme #IStandWithAhmed

— Ahmed Mohamed (@IStandWithAhmed) September 16, 2015

The hashtag #IStandWithAhmed has been used in full force, with messages that were overwhelmingly positive. Here's just some of what went down via Twitter.

There were the serious/emotional messages:

All the #IStandWithAhmed support I'm seeing is honestly making me emotional. I'm proud of my (mostly) progressive & open-minded generation.

— LJ Michelle (@ajourneyeast) September 16, 2015

When a community can't tell the difference between a tan kid with a clock and a terrorist, there is an issue. #IStandWithAhmed

— Jewish Bro (@JewishBro) September 16, 2015

I can guarantee if Ahmed had a different, non-ethnic name & wasn't of that ethnicity, he would be praised. #IStandWithAhmed

— Steffanie (@sincerely_steff) September 16, 2015

Intelligence built this country. Innovation & diversity built this country. Not stupidity, intolerance & bigotry. #IStandWithAhmed

— Kristy Sweetland (@SweetCoaching) September 16, 2015

And even a few not-so-serious messages:


— Ol' QWERTY Bastard (@TheDiLLon1) September 16, 2015

I think electronics are the bomb! #IStandWithAhmed

— Midway (@Ottrocity) September 16, 2015

Ahmed is so cool, soon NASA will be wearing tees with HIS picture on them. #IStandWithAhmed

— elizabeth cornelius (@cutiecroutie) September 16, 2015

I forgot about the bomb in Beauty and the Beast... #IStandWithAhmed

— Parker. (@jamesparrrker) September 16, 2015

Plenty of celebs weighed in, too, offering their support:

When my brother was a teenager he built an oscilloscope and no one thought he was a terrorist. Or even a communist. #IStandWithAhmed

— Judy Blume (@judyblume) September 16, 2015

We should uplift more boys/girls like Ahmed! Brilliant minds! Embrace the things that make you unique even if it makes others uncomfortable.

— Janelle Monáe, Cindi (@JanelleMonae) September 16, 2015

Ahmed, it's innovative, curious, bright minds like yours who move humanity forward. You are our future. Keep inventing! #IStandWithAhmed

— Pharrell Williams (@Pharrell) September 16, 2015

Assumptions and fear don't keep us safe—they hold us back. Ahmed, stay curious and keep building.

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 16, 2015

And of course, the most important tweet of them all, from the most important man in the world:

Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great.

— President Obama (@POTUS) September 16, 2015

For more information about Islamophobia, you can check out MTV's Look Different.

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