Need Ideas For Halloween Next Month? Why Not Go As An Emoji? (For Reals)

All hail the poop emoji.

For those of you who aren't great at wearing your emotions on you sleeve, these emoji masks could be a dream come true.

They're pretty freaking creepy, yet also awesome. Plus, you know you're going to start snapping selfies with them until your Instagram is chock full of giant emoji faces. With Halloween coming up, they're a great solution for a quick and inexpensive costume. Even better, they have some other great uses, too.

They're great for hanging out with bae

"Netflix and chill?" Wait, lemme put on my winking/tongue out mask.

As well as expressing your feelings for that ~special~ someone

Or, uh, not

You can easily party it up in them

All while showing off your personality

Your suave, suave personality

They're fantastic for getting people's attention

And good for when you just DGAF

To purchase your own emoji mask, you can check out Emoji Masks or your local costume shop.



H/T Pixable

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