Chris Pratt Discovered A Grasshopper Who's Basically Professor X

And he named him Goliath.

Once again, Chris Pratt proves he's the funniest man in the entertainment industry. While busy shooting the sure-to-be epic action/Western film "The Magnificent Seven," Pratt inadvertently made a new friend. Don't worry, it's not another Indominus Rex.

On Tuesday, he proudly showed off this super shady looking grasshopper he named "Goliath," because of course he would. Pratt speculates Goliath is some kind of alien life force and jokes how he applied for a patent for the little bug, demanding everyone refer to it as a "Ninja Hopper."

"LOOK AT THIS THING WTF!? While filming the #MagnificentSeven just north of Las Vegas, New Mexico I found this bug which is either some kind of alien OR I discovered some kind of new species. Just in case I am applying for a patent so legally you must call it a #NinjaHopper or else you can see me in court. Also I named him Goliath. I bravely carried Goliath around and showed people. Was this dangerous? Yes. But does it make me some kind of hero? Yes."

Another aspect of this photo that caught our eye is Pratt's dirty thumbnail. He addressed the topic on Instagram, saying, "If you're wondering why my thumbnail is so jankey it's because my character is gross and I'm a method actor and haven't showered in 6 months." Thanks for the clarification, Chris!

However, the Goliath mystery doesn't stop there. A few hours after uploading the first pic, Pratt shared another one that better showed off the bug's coloring and design. Then, Pratt wanted "to take a moment to be serious," and told people Goliath can read minds. So basically, this grasshopper is Professor X. Pratt wrote a mini novel lengthy caption that explained his "theory" about the mysterious insect.

"Basically as I held Goliath he starting talking to me. Obviously not with his mouth. That's impossible. But, and I know this sounds crazy, he spoke to me with his mind. He said, "Chris... Chris... They need you on set." And I was just spacing out staring at this thing in awe... And like not two seconds later this PA named Bonnie came up and was like, "Chris! They need you on set." And I was like, "WHAAAT!?!?" So basically, somehow, I don't know how, maybe through radio waves or some kind of magic, Goliath read Bonnie's mind and transmitted her message through ESP! SO THAT'S COOL!"

Here's what we know from all this information:

>> "The Magnificent Seven" filming seems to be going well.

>> Goliath is ~probably~ up to no good.

>> Chris Pratt is super dedicated to his craft.

>> Chris Pratt can turn anything into something LOL-worthy.


Chris Pratt

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