Those Two H.S. Football Players Who Tackled A Ref Could Be In Really Big Trouble

Also: Why Europe is taking in more Syrian migrants and Kim Davis appealing jail decision.

They've Already Been Suspended From The Team

The two John Jay High School football players who tackled a referee during a game on Friday have already been suspended indefinitely from the team. But now they could be in even bigger trouble. The defensive backs, who were reportedly upset that two of their teammates were ejected earlier in the game, blindsided the ref and now he's seriously considering pressing charges. "The first thing we want is that those two kids never play football again," said Austin Football Officials Assoc. secretary Wayne Elliott. The Marble Falls Police Dept. said it is investigating the incident and reviewing multiple videos before deciding if any charges will be filed. Among the potential sanctions the players could face are assault charges, either misdemeanor or felony depending on what investigators find, according to an expert.

European Nations Taking Refugees, While U.S., Gulf Nations On Sidelines

Pressure is building on European countries to take in even more migrants from war-torn Syria and other nations as fellow Gulf nations are being asked why they're not stepping up. On Wednesday, French President Francois Hollande is expected to announce a plan to distribute 120,000 people across the 28-member European Union over the next two years, with Germany alone expected to take in more than 800,000.

One of the reasons European countries have taken the lead is because of the post WWII 1951 Refugee Convention, which gives refugees the right not to be sent back home into harm's way; Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman have not signed the convention, which might explain why they aren't taking in any of the displaced. The U.S. has only taken in a limited amount (1,500) of refugees (not the preferred term, thanks to this app) because of fears among some politicians about potentially importing someone with terrorist ties and because the United Nations prefers to keep migrants close to their home countries in order to reintegrate them once a crisis is over.

Trying To Get Out While Still Not Changing Her Mind

Jailed Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis' lawyers filed a federal appeal on Monday in an attempt to free her while they fight the state's Governor decree that all clerk must abide by the Supreme Court's landmark June decision on marriage equality. Davis has been in jail since Thursday because she has refused to issue licenses on religious grounds. On Sunday her lawyer also filed an appeal on the contempt of court ruling that landed her in jail.

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