Blue Ivy Came To Beyoncé’s Rehearsal, And It’s OMG Cuteness

Like mother, like daughter.

Happy Belated Bey Day, everyone! Beyoncé seems to be back at work, (hopefully) rehearsing for her new album. On Monday (Sept. 7), Bey shared some pics, which happened to include her pride and joy, Blue Ivy. After drawing her mom the cutest birthday card, Blue seems to have told Bey today was "Take Your Kid to Work Day."

First, Blue Ivy steals the mic and shows off her stuff.

Notice the "Dora the Explorer" stickers.

Next, Blue follows her mom around, carrying some weird balloon thing.

And everybody stops and pays attention to her because she is FIERCE.

Later, Blue climbs the stairs to stardom with Bey, still carrying that balloon.

Seriously, what's with the balloon, Blue?

Beyoncé also shared this mysterious pic with no caption.

Is it a still from an upcoming music video? Or, is it something leftover from the Made in America show? PLEASE TELL US, BEY!

Beyoncé recently went on an uber adorable boating trip with husband Jay-Z and Blue. Mother and daughter were wearing matching swimsuits, because of course they were. Plus, Queen Bey wore a captain's hat for the leader she is.

Keep slayin', girls!


Beyonce and Blue Ivy

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