Scientists Have Finally Figured Out The Earth’s Tree Count -- Someone Call Captain Planet

Three trillion is a lot of trees to hug, but I think we'll manage.

For those of us raised on a steady environmentalist diet of "The Lorax," "Fern Gully" and "Captain Planet," we all just really love trees and really want trees to keep on keeping on.

So after scientists found that there are roughly 3.04 trillion trees growing on earth at this very moment, it was worth noticing -- That's 7.5 times more than they thought we had back in 2005 (with only 400 billion), NBC news reports.



Trees are super important, after all: "They store huge amounts of carbon, are essential for the cycling of nutrients, for water and air quality, and for countless human services," Thomas Crowther, Yale professor and lead author of the study said in a statement. "... I don't know what I would have guessed [how many more there were], but I was certainly surprised to find that we were talking about trillions."

But this pleasant surprise comes with a slightly more ominous warning: We still need to do right by our green and leafy friends. The scientists behind the study say that the effect humans have on the tree population is "overwhelming" and negative, estimating that 15 billion trees (at least) are cut down every year and only 5 billion are planted. Ouch.

"We've nearly halved the number of trees on the planet, and we've seen the impacts on climate and human health as a result," Crowther said. "This study highlights how much more effort is needed if we are to restore healthy forests worldwide."

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