Watch Emma Roberts And Lea Michele Scream Their Heads Off In The 'Scream Queens' Opening Credits

Also, the might have just revealed a HUGE spoiler about Lea Michele's Hester.

Thank the Red Devil! Even though we have to wait a few weeks for the premiere of "Scream Queens" -- this purgatory is the freshest of hells, honestly -- we can watch the devilishly campy opening credits right now!

The amazing opening credits sequence dropped today, and it features all of our favorite Kappa Kappa Tau sisters and their instantly iconic screams. But it's not all blood and horror on "Scream Queens." This is a Ryan Murphy show, after all, and the credits highlight the exact reason "Scream Queens" is one of the can't-miss shows of fall: it's FUN! And campy. So, so campy.

Interestingly enough, we see Lea Michele's character Hester, a social outcast, undergo a serious transformation in this opening sequence, which clocks in at nearly two minutes. Does this mean Hester eventually becomes a Chanel? Our best guess is YES -- and that means one thing: makeover montage!

We also see Kappa president Chanel #1, Emma Roberts, in all of her bitchy glory, getting the brunt of the Red Devil's attention. Of course, the opening credits wouldn't be complete without a few winks and nods to the camera.

And just in case you were wondering, the '80s-tastic song featured in the credits, "You Belong to Me," was co-written by "Scream Queens" executive producer Alexis Woodall, musician Heather Heywood (who sings the amazing track) and "Scream Queens" composer Mac Quayle. We already have it on repeat.

Honestly, we wouldn't mind living inside this campy sequence until September 22.

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