This Teen Girl Wore A Tux In A Beauty Pageant – The Reason Why Will Make You Cheer

And BTW, she won.

When 18-year-old Mattie Witman claimed the top title at the 2015 Miss Teen Oklahoma City/Tulsa pageant, the win meant more than just a crown -- it was a bold statement beyond words.

But let's backtrack a bit, because the whole thing almost didn't happen. When Mattie received a letter in the mail that she'd been nominated Miss Teen Oklahoma City, she thought it was a hoax. "I thought it was a scam at first but it turned out to be a huge opportunity," she told KFOR.

So she used that opportunity to take a bold stance. Out of the 60 contestants at the pageant, she was the only one to wear a tux (which she totally rocked, BTW). Mattie said that she chose the tux as a way to promote awareness and support for the LGBT community, as well as make a commentary on beauty standards.

"Not only can I address things such as beauty, but also can address an entire community that has faced discrimination and continues to face discrimination. It’s a small step, but it’s a step in the right direction," she said.

In October, Mattie will head to Florida to attend the next level of the competition. "There are people who need to be brave, who need to stand up for other people and to show people there is a life outside of imperfect standards of beauty that are put on women,” Mattie said, adding that, "If I can change one person's mind that you don't have to have long blonde hair and beautiful eyes and have a perfect figure to be beautiful, then I personally feel like I've won."

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