Instagram Just Added The Feature We Have All Been Waiting For

At last!

You can say goodbye to all the other photo editing apps that you use for filtering your life into a black and white movie or a vintage dream because Instagram just changed. the. game.

"Today, we’re excited to announce that — in addition to square posts — you can now share photos and videos in both portrait and landscape orientation on Instagram," a representative of Instagram states on their blog.



"It turns out that nearly one in five photos or videos people post aren’t in the square format," Instagram continues, "and we know that it hasn’t been easy to share this type of content on Instagram: friends get cut out of group shots, the subject of your video feels cramped and you can’t capture the Golden Gate Bridge from end to end." Our blessed filter gods really know us, don't they.



Instagram's update to allow wider or taller formatted images actually applies to video as well, so now, instead of square videos, we can see what everyone else is doing in near-cinematic splendor.

This godsend of an update is available right now (yes, right now!) and if you don't already have the app to update, you can download it for free on iOS or Android. Happy snapping, everyone.

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