There’s An Unsexy Truth About Your Friendships And Your Sex Life

Oof. Double standards for days.

When you first hit the age where people start to engage in regular sexy-times, everything's already a confusing mess of hormones and emotions. But what happens when you add good ol' fashioned sexism into the mix? (You guessed it! Nothing good.)

A new study found that after first having sex, girls experience the brunt of the social stigma while dudes tend to benefit. The study's author, Derek A. Kreager (who also teaches sociology and criminology at Pennsylvania State University) said that, on average, girls saw a 45 percent decrease in "peer acceptance" while boys experienced an 88 percent increase after they first had sex. Meanwhile, when they reported just "making out," girls saw increases in that acceptance by 25 percent and boys saw a decrease by 29 percent. Wait, what?


excuse u

The results make sense given "traditional gender scripts" and "sexual double standards," Kreager said. Men and boys are rewarded for acting on their sex drives and pursuing a bunch of sexual partners while women and girls are expected to "value monogamy and 'gatekeep' male sexual advances."

The girls who do go off-script and have that kind of "traditionally male" sex, and the boys who reject the sex-crazed "masculine" role, are punished socially -- losing friends in the process.

“This pattern suggests that other boys are the peers that police social norms when it comes to masculinity, whereas girls receive strong messages about gender-appropriate sexual behavior from boys and girls,” Kreager said. “It is not surprising that girls do not punish boys for ‘making out,’ as this behavior is rewarding for girls both socially and physically. However, there is somewhat of a paradox for boys stigmatizing girls who have sex because these boys are punishing girls for behavior that benefits boys both socially and sexually."

TL;DR: The supposed "rules" of culturally acceptable sex are still weighted by sexism and shame-culture. Ew.

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