Watch This Badass Pilot Flip And Turn Her Plane Like It's NBD

She's defying both gravity and expectations.

Russian aerobatics pilot Svetlana Kapanina is no stranger to blowing people's minds. She's been flying since age 19 and has been doing aerobatics on a professional level for 20 years since joining Russia's national aerobatic team in 1995.

In that time, Kapanina has garnered an incredible number of awards for her flying, including winning the women's World Aerobatic Championship a whopping seven times.

YouTuber Stas Lu posted a video of Kapanina in action in the cockpit that allows us all to see exactly what the face of badass looks like. In the vid, Kapanina executes a series of barrel rolls and other aerobatic tricks.

She looks so calm and collected, we're wondering if her pilot's seat has one of those massagers in it. Scope Kapania in all of her fierce airborne glory below.

Oof. We were more nervous than her just watching that.

H/T Pixable

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