President Obama's New Initiative Is His Biggest Climate Change Plan Yet

'Climate change is not a problem for another generation. Not anymore.'

At midnight on Sunday (Aug. 2), the White House's official Twitter unveiled a teaser for what will likely be a legacy initiative for President Obama: the Clean Power Plan, a set of new regulations that aim to drastically curb the pollution that leads to climate change.

"Our climate is changing. It's changing in ways that threaten our economy, our security and our health. This isn't opinion," Obama states very frankly in the video. "It's fact, backed up by decades of carefully collective data and overwhelming scientific consensus, and it has serious implications for the ways we live now."

The Clean Power Plan will combat climate change -- a phenomenon being empirically worsened by carbon pollution -- by regulating the amount of that pollution power plants across the U.S. can emit. Obama said his administration has been forging this plan alongside state governments as well as power companies to make sure the regulations won't cripple any existing jobs. In fact, the plan could even create jobs in the march toward new, more sustainable technologies.

Yes, this is very good news. Remember back in 2012 when Obama said we weren't moving quickly enough to fight climate change? These regulations seem like a very real step in making up for lost time -- and that's good news, considering scientists' models for global temperature increases are even more accurate than we originally thought.

Considering how some potential choices for our next president refuse to acknowledge these real, scientifically proven facts (or flat out refuse to call climate change what is actually is), Obama's plan is a welcome shakeup to the status quo of, well, doing nothing, even when 89 percent of Democrats, 79 percent of independents and 70 percent of Republicans believe humans are at least partly to blame for global temperature changes.

The Clean Power Act, which Obama's administration will release Monday (Aug. 4), is, as POTUS says in the video, "the biggest, most important step we've ever taken to combat climate change." And we all should be saying, "GOOD." (And also, "IT'S ABOUT TIME.")

In the meantime, learn how to cool down smarter to save energy and save the planet, little by little.

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