JoJo Is Pregnant... With An Album

It's NOT too little too late.

Everyone knows that feeling you get when all your Facebook friends start posting pictures of babies and weddings, and you're just sitting there in your underwear eating a stalk of celery because you can't find anything else in your fridge. Right?

JoJo knows, and she used that same sentiment to announce that she has an album on the way. "My ex is married and having a baby," she wrote on Twitter. "I'm over here married to MUSIC and pregnant with this ALBUM."

Ummm yes!! The 24-year-old hasn't put out an album since 2006, but has been dropping EPs and mixtapes in the past for years, including 2014's #LoveJo. She's been hinting at her new music on Twitter, along with posting pictures and videos from her workouts.

The first single from the album will be out this year, the singer told a follower. And, if we're going through with the whole pregnancy metaphor, she said it's going to be a "big. friggin. baby."

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JoJo signed to Atlantic Records at the top of 2014, and we have big hopes for what she'll come out with. Just a reminder: she put her first album out when she was just 13, so can't wait to hear what's she's been cooking up since then. Especially if it sounds like this:

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