President Obama Has Senioritis In His Last 'Daily Show' Interview

In a candid interview, the POTUS talks legacy, makes bread loaf analogies, and issues an executive order to keep Jon Stewart around.

Last night (July 21), President Barack Obama appeared on "The Daily Show" for the last time -- which was also the last time departing host Jon Stewart will interview a U.S. President on "The Daily Show," ever.

Although the two men didn't celebrate this momentous occasion in the way we would have chosen (i.e. wearing three-piece, sequined American flag suits while a bald eagle in a bow tie served canapes), it was still a great interview, especially when the President started answering questions with the kind of candid confidence that only a guy who isn't up for reelection can manage.

Arguable front-runner for Best Moment of Presidential Senioritis: The one where Barack Obama just straight-up dissed the IRS on national television.

"You really do only have one year left!" Stewart replied.

President Obama also discussed all he'll have accomplished during his two-term stint in the Oval Office. Some goals remain unachieved, he said, but that's a good thing.

"You're always going to fall short, because if you're hitting your marks, that means you didn't set them high enough," Obama explained.

There's one failure the President is pretty salty about, though: being unable to keep Jon Stewart in "The Daily Show" chair for all eternity.

"I can’t believe you’re leaving before me. I’m going to issue an executive order: Jon Stewart cannot leave the show," Obama said. "It’s being challenged in the courts."

Watch the full episode here.

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