9 Types Of People Who Will Mess Up Your Camping Trip

If you must invite them, know the risks.

For my fellow fans of camping, summer seems like a great time to do it as a group. It's a fun, affordable way to include a flexible amount of friends on a quick vacation. It comes off as all too easy but can backfire all too quickly if you're roughing it with the wrong people.

That doesn't make them bad friends. It just means they're not the kind of pals you want to be stranded in the woods with -- worst case scenario! That kind of adventure takes a specific kind of companion, and none of the following are it.

The Novice


Learning how to camp is like learning a foreign language. You catch on a lot easier if you start young. You can't blame your buddies for losing their wilderness virginities later in life, but that doesn't mean you want to hold their hands through it. Sure, not every newbie is helpless, but their good time is more dependent on you being a resource. That's not their fault, but it's not what you came on vacation for either.

The Den Mother


They don't have to be a mother or even a woman; they just have to worry too much about everyone else. Whether they're concerned with people's safety or general good time, their approach can be a bit smothering in an environment that's mostly about fending for yourself. They're great paired off with a novice, because then they can lean on each other.

The Bonfire Guy


Every camping trip needs a campfire, but there's always one person in every group who wants to make fire their thing ... and that's a hot red flag. You want a modest flame for warmth and ambiance, not an emergency situation.

The Couple


Nothing against your couple friends -- they can be great to go on trips with! But camping can be an intimate experience for the entire group. Whether it goes well or not for the couple, they don't have the kind of privacy for that to play out.

(Translation: You'd rather not hear them hooking up or fighting. Plus, according to horror movie logic, their sexual congress could put everyone in danger.)

The Klutz


If you have a friend who's chronically klutzing it up, removing them from civilization is not the safest bet. Bringing them camping is asking from trouble. They're more likely to get hurt with less access to familiar medical care or at the very least use up a first aid kit meant for an entire group of people.

The Wanderer

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Nothing will put a damper on your trip faster than a leisurely hike that turns into a epic journey of getting hopelessly lost. You are all for adventure but don't get a thrill from running out of food and water.

The Priss


You said camping; they heard glamping. Now you're both grossed out by each other. Chalk it up to a miscommunication and in the future, ask if they can pee in an outhouse without complaint first. You can't always rely on someone to tell you they hate camping before the fact, but there should be plenty of clues for you to make that call for them -- both as a camping expert and a friend.

The Picky Eater


The woods are no place for your friends' meticulous diet. If they can't hack it on hot dogs, candy and fresh air, then inviting them is as irresponsible as it is annoying.

The Ultimate Outdoorsman


The best part about going camping is that it's relaxing. Nothing ruins that faster than someone who's trying to teach you every single thing ever about the great outdoors. You're here to enjoy it, not conquer it. This friend means well but holds you to the same high exploration standards that they hold themselves to.

As a result, they're never satisfied with your camping contribution, and the trip becomes way more stressful than it needs to be. Maybe this type of person would be happier in the woods alone; however, getting them to return to civilization would be a whole new challenge.

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