Enough About Jon Snow, Why Aren't We Worried About These Other 'Game Of Thrones' Characters?

It's bad news for everyone in Westeros right now.

Okay, so we're all worried about Jon Snow. That's fine. But we've spent a week debating whether or not the man's actually dead or just mostly dead, and in that time, we've forgotten about some of the other life-or-death scenarios playing out on "Game of Thrones."

Well, time to start worrying. Here's a snapshot of some of the people in Westeros and beyond we ought to concern ourselves with now that our initial Jon Snow shock is over, or at least subsiding.

Everyone At The Wall



Even if you don't agree with the Night's Watch for turning on Jon Snow, you can at least somewhat understand their reasoning. These people weren't at Hardhome and don't take the White Walker threat seriously. Their Lord Commander, appointed by only half of the Watch, allowed a significant number of wildlings through to Westeros. This is a treasonous offense, on the surface. Drastic action is necessary, from a certain vantage point.

Still, even allowing all of that, the Night's Watch is going to look pretty damn foolish when (A) The White Walkers destroy everything in sight, assuming (B) the wildlings don't take care of that business first. And not because the wildlings are inherently bad people. By now, we can all agree that there are some very good wildlings in the mix, like your Tormunds and Wun Wuns of the world. But in killing Jon, the Watch may have made the relatively benign wildlings into the deadly threat they were fearing in the first place. When we return to the Wall in season six, Jon Snow won't be the only crow bleeding out.

But really, it's mostly (A) they should be worried about.




Just kidding, no one is worried about Olly. That dude stabbed Jon Snow. He's the worst.

Sam and Gilly



They're on their way to Oldtown, which puts them very far away from all the Wall drama, so that's a bonus in their favor. But what happens when Sam hears about Jon? Does he run straight back to the Wall and get embroiled in everything that's happening with the Watch? What if the mutineers are already on his trail, and he doesn't make it to Oldtown at all? We don't worry all that much about Sam the Slayer these days, but maybe we're being overconfident about the guy.

Stannis Baratheon



We assume he's dead, beheaded by Brienne, so that's one reason not to worry about Bobby Baratheon's kid brother. Even if he survived somehow, would we worry? This is the guy who burned his own daughter as sacrifice to his holy quest for the Iron Throne. Not really someone to root for anymore, right?

But maybe there's a reason we SHOULD be actively rooting for Stannis' survival: Dragonglass. He's one of few people invested in the coming White Walker war, and one of few people who knows that obsidian works against them. He pointed out to Sam that Dragonstone is loaded with the stuff. If Brienne let Stannis live, and he manages to smuggle some dragonglass back to the Wall, he could be a dark horse candidate for "Game of Thrones" MVP.

Sansa and Theon



They hopped off of Winterfell and into a snow bank on their way toward freedom. Unless they just splattered at the bottom of the snow bank. Possible, if a little bit undramatic.

Assuming they survived (feels like a fair assumption), where do they go from here? Do they run back to the Iron Islands? It's not exactly traversable between Sansa and Theon's homes on foot, let alone close. Do they head toward the Wall, where Sansa can take refuge with Lord Commander Jon? That's not going to work out as desired, thanks to all the stabby-stabbing.

Their best bet is running into Brienne and Podrick, but even then, what solace can they offer right now? It's a grim situation for Sansa and Theon as they break away from the Boltons, and it might get even worse.

Arya Stark



Things look bleak for Sansa's sister, Arya, as well. Of course, Arya doesn't know just how bleak things look, because that would require the ability of sight, which she currently does not possess. Blind Arya is a thing that's happening right now, and who knows how long that's going to last, or how she's going to recover from it.

But Arya's lack of vision might not be her greatest concern. The ruthlessness with which she killed Meryn Trant was unprecedented even by "Game of Thrones" standards, let alone by Arya's. It was one of the grisliest killings ever depicted on the show, and it's a huge testament to just how far Arya has gone down the revenge rabbit hole.

We've seen Starks overcome tremendous physical hardships in the past, from Bran surviving the fall in Winterfell and becoming a powerful warg, to Jon surviving the stabbings at the Wall and becoming a messianic figure of White Walker-crushing justice. (Okay, that second thing hasn't happened, YET, but it will!) Likewise, there's little doubt that Arya can overcome her blindness. But can she overcome the damage done to her soul? That's another question entirely.

Daenerys Targaryen



Elsewhere in Essos, beyond Arya in Braavos, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea is once again swimming among Dothraki. Drogon refuses to ride, while a band of horse-riders swarms around the last living Targaryen — the last that we know about, at least.

How worried should we be? Not that worried, honestly. She's much better off here than in Meereen at present, she's made friends with Dothraki before, and she's still not in Westeros. She lives until she makes it to Westeros, or we riot.

Tyrion Lannister



Oh, he's fine. We're not so worried about Tyrion. He's survived worse situations than what's happening in Meereen. If anyone can untangle that knot, he's the man to do it.

The Rest of the Lannisters



Everyone else in Tyrion's family? Yeah, we're worried. Cersei looks absolutely murder-tastic after that walk of shame shame shame. Anyone in her path has a date with a Frankenstein-ed version of the Mountain in their future, and that's not going to be fun for anyone except us watching at home.

Cersei is only going to go even more ballistic once she hears about what happened to Myrcella in Dorne — assuming she hears about it at all. Jaime and Bronn are sailing on a Dornish vessel, after all. Who's to say they won't turn right around and return to Dorne? That's a nightmare scenario for everybody involved, ESPECIALLY us, because it means another season in Dorne.

The Tyrells



Are Margaery and Loras still on lockdown? What happened to the Queen of Thorns after her rendezvous with Littlefinger? Who is going to chaperone Mace Tyrell back to Westeros now that Meryn Trant's out of the picture? And for the love of all things holy, what's going to happen to…

Ser Pounce!



Won't someone think of the kittens???

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