This Proud Mom Celebrated Her Son's High School Graduation In A Big (And Super Public) Way

A pithy private party was just not sufficient.

Most families of high school graduates throw the requisite celebratory party for loved ones to come and celebrate, but mom Ovella O'Neal took it a step further. She's so proud of her son AJ that she's sharing her happiness with the whole town. The single mother of six surprised AJ -- who will graduate from LEAP Academy in Camden, New Jersey this Tuesday, and will attend Rowan University in the fall -- with a billboard celebrating his accomplishments.

Daily Mail


According to the Daily Mail, O'Neal paid $725 to rent out the real estate, which included AJ's senior portrait and a loving message from his family; she also rented an ice cream and cupcake truck to throw a party beneath the banner.

For his part, AJ was thrilled -- and he plans to thank his hard-working mom by buying her a house and a car in the future. The billboard will stay up for three weeks, and O'Neal hopes it will inspire other single mothers. "If I can do it, you can too," she said.

Check out a full video interview with the amazing mother-son duo.

More awesome moms like Ovella in this world, please.

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