Why Is This Tatted-Up Smiler Getting Rid Of His Miley Ink?

The superfan has 29 Miley Cyrus-related tattoos.

By Brittney McKenna

How much do you love your favorite celebrity? Enough to get a tattoo of their face? How about covering your entire body in said tattoos?

For one Miley Cyrus fan, just one tattoo wasn't enough to show his love for the twerking pop star. Carl McCoid of Bridlington, East Yorkshire spent nearly $3,000 on 29 Cyrus-inspired tattoos that range from portraits of her face to lyrics from her songs.

Cyrus isn't so impressed by McCoid's devotion, however. She called his tattoos "a little creeps" when asked about them, and McCoid said she's blocked him on Twitter.

"I don't want him to feel bad, but they are really ugly tattoos," Cyrus said in an 2013 interview with Heat Radio. "I'm not going to lie ... The tattoo artist did not get it right."

Now McCoid is feeling a little less excited about his ink.

"I'm only regretting them now," McCoid told Daily Mail. "I never thought about it too much, but they have had a psychological affect on me. Then she mentioned they were creepy in an interview. It made me realise I didn't like them."

McCoid wants the tattoos removed, but not just because of Cyrus' negative comments. The divorced father of three also wants a girlfriend, and he thinks the tattoos are hurting his chances. (You're probably right on that one, Carl.) He's starting by getting rid of three of the portrait tattoos and will appear on the TV show "Tattoo Disasters UK."

"I'm a little nervous about it," he said about the show. "I just let everything out. It's going to focus on how I felt when Miley said she didn't like the tattoos."

So let this be a lesson to all the superfans out there. Instead of spending thousands of dollars and countless hours on paying pretty permanent homage to your celebrity idol, you might be better off just buying a t-shirt instead.

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