This Fragrance Commercial Is Every Fragrance Commercial

Watch the definitive cologne ad.

By Brittney McKenna

Fragrance commercials are some of the worst commercials out there. With cheesy cinematography and nonsensical dialogue, they're the advertising equivalent of Lifetime movies, and make easy fodder for parody.

So easy, in fact, that Australian comedian and actor Neel Kolhatkar made his own fragrance commercial parody. It has all the trappings of a horrible fragrance ad: dramatic music, tropical scenery, a beautiful woman and a dude (Kolhatkar himself) in an open shirt, all shot in black and white, with dialogue that tries to get philosophical, accompanied by smoldering stares:

The twist, though? It's actually a commercial for real-life fragrance Playboy Generation and is featured on Playboy Fragrance Australia's Facebook page. Still, it's a winning combination of humor and viral marketing, and makes us wonder what Kolhatkar could accomplish with one of those Matthew McConaughey Lincoln ads.

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