For Neil Patrick Harris' Birthday, Here Are His 9 Best Magic Tricks

Pick a card, any card!

If there's one thing Neil Patrick Harris loves, it's the art of magic -- he's such a fan that not only does he perform his own tricks and illusions basically every chance he gets, but he's also the President of the Board of Directors of Hollywood's Magic Castle, one of the world's most prestigious venues for illusionists and magicians of all kinds.

In honor of his birthday today, let's count down some of the best ones Harris has performed for us on TV:


That time he read Johnny Carson's mind.

Oh my gosh BABY NEIL. Bless your little curly haired heart. Not really a trick so much as it's just adorable.

That time he pulled an invisible rabbit out of thin air.

Listen, that totally counts.

That time he predicted what a girl was going to say.

Okay, sure, it's from a scripted television show and isn't as impressive as some of his live performances, but this trick that Barney Stinson performs on an unsuspecting McLaren's patron in "How I Met Your Mother" is pretty great.

That time he bent a spoon on "Ellen"


65th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards - Show

So what if it had a hinge?

That time he predicted the Oscars

Getty Images

87th Annual Academy Awards - Show

Okay, sure, it was awkward at the time (WARN Octavia Spencer before you do bits with her, dude!), but at least he was right, yeah?

That time he made Oprah a two dollar bill

Why are you printing Oprah more money? She's the only person in the ENTIRE world who doesn't need it.

That time he did a trick for James Lipton


nph cards

On his episode of "Inside The Actors Studio," Neil Patrick Harris did what's probably the best card trick ever -- but not with a deck of playing cards.

That time he let Kelly Ripa hit him a whole bunch.

While guest hosting "Live With Regis and Kelly," Neil Patrick Harris performed a trick that involved a deck of cards, a prediction envelope, and getting punched repeatedly in the arm. And it ALL PAID OFF.

That time he decapitated himself on Ellen

Don't lose your head there, buddy, it's just a talk show!

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